• 公子胡     「澳洲山火」 Tomorrow's on Fire

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    “起初,没有人在意这场灾难,这不过是一场山火,一次旱灾,一个物种的灭绝,一座城市的消失,直到这场灾难,与每个人息息相关。” ——《流浪地球》




    成千上万的澳大利亚环保主义者指责现任保守党莫里森(Scott Morrison)“对环保三心二意”,认为澳大利亚政 府在节能减排方面措施不力,是导致山火肆虐的罪魁祸首。也就是说,他们认为导致空前规模山火的最主要原因,是碳排放过多所导致的气候变暖

    “Tomorrow's on Fire is the most important film I've made, but sadly the one I wish I never had to,” admits Australian director, Darcy Prendergast. Made in response to the serious bushfires currently devastating Australia and its wildlife, the animated film features a beautifully written monologue protesting against the selfishness that has contributed to the disaster. 👇


    Darcy Prendergast: “I grew up with a father who was a zookeeper and conservationist. We looked after wombats and possums in our house as kids, and I now volunteer my spare time with orphaned Australian mammals.

    “So needless to say, the devastation to our biodiversity was just too much for me. I was thrust into action and committed to doing something.

    “There's an estimated 500 million animals dead as a result of these fires and they are still tipped to burn for months. I can't think of anything more tragic.

    “The voice of a child was integral to this piece to me. Miles, who was seven, just possessed this real gorgeous innocence, but ultimately could have a future more affected than our own.

    “I felt it integral to the emotional core of the film that we were reminded of what we were fighting for the entire way through. This child and many others are who we have to protect, and that should be the uniting factor between entrenched political stances. That should be enough to soften battle lines…

    While clearly being based on the problems in Australia, the film, and the script in particular, remain relevant to many countries across the globe. “Whilst the content was pretty localised, I worked hard to retain a universality to the writing. For me, it needed to resonate more broadly to tap into a growing sense of helplessness, and give a flag to rally around as if to say, ‘It's okay to be knocked down but let’s not forget what we stand to lose if we stay on the canvas,'” he says.



    去年12月,该机构发表报告指出,自2017年以来澳大利亚“气候政策几乎没有任何改善,预计2030年难以实现原本就很低的减排目标”。报告称,澳大利亚在列入“气候变化绩效指数”的57个国家和地区中排名垫底,但莫里森政 府却缺席了去年9月的联合国气候峰会,并退出了应对气候变化的国际基金。

    不久前澳大利亚联邦**宣布,批准富有争议的加利利盆地Carmichael 煤矿项目,在山火的大背景下,这个项目几乎立即让澳大利亚乃至全球环保主义者“炸了营”。


    一些气象学家指出,今年恰逢两个对南半球影响巨大的气候现象——“印度洋偶极”(Indian Ocean Dipole)和“南部环流模式”(SAM)“撞车”,这两种气候现象都会导致澳大利亚大陆更干燥高温,温度、湿度、风俗和地面干燥度这“四要素”都更利于山火肆虐。

    关乎人类命运的问题,本是超越主 权的,却又不可避免地受到主 权国家利益牵绊。人类长远的福祉,总要与短期现实迎头相撞。这是当今世界政治中,一个残酷的“真相”。

    “I hope the film is a catalyst for positive change. I hope it sparks action from the politicians who are elected to serve us. So many Australians are angry and rightly so; we deserve better, we deserve hope and so does our next generation.”


    Special thanks to Mercury-7000岁,DarthPrincetacean & Win4nieee💕


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