• 公子胡     「古墓派」寂静欢喜Silence is Golden

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Ⅰ. Silence Is Golden-By Hanna Heath

    It is not your conversation
    That keeps me entertained
    But rather the way you look at me
    That makes me feel sustained
    It's the curve of your lips
    And the curl of your hair
    T'is all of the little things
    That make me stop and stare

    It is not your intelligence
    That drew me close to you
    It is not your sense of humour
    That has thrown me all askew
    It's the touch of your hand
    And the thoughts in your head
    T'is all of the little things
    The things that don't get said

    It's not your vivid history
    That's made me fall in love
    It's not your comprehension
    Of the world or what's above
    It is your soft temperament
    And the way you smile at me
    T'is all of the little things
    That make me want to see

    It's not when we are talking
    That I want to know some more
    It is not whilst you teach me
    I learn what I'm looking for
    It is the time we spend alone
    And the time in utter silence
    T'is all of the little things
    That form a strong alliance

    It's not the job you work so hard
    That shows your true commitment
    It's not your crazy habits
    That give me great fulfilment
    It is the way you use your hands
    And the way I have been chosen
    T'is all of the little things
    Why I know silence is golden




    Ⅱ. Will You Be My Forever-By Melissa Paiz

    What is love through your eyes, I wonder...
    I miss you when we're apart, and crave your embrace.
    After the moments of sun and thunder,
    are the kisses you place on my lips, my cheeks, my neck
    I love you a lot.
    Fell in love with your face.
    But not just your face
    But every part of your body
    Your soul, your being
    Every ounce, and every trace



    1970-01-01   73赞       1踩       3758浏览 评论(70)
女 魔仙lv73


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