• 咻咻咻_90     【Poem】Delusion Angel

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    我四季都看完了 就喜欢他那贱嗖嗖的劲儿 哈哈哈
    预计今年五月出第五集 也就是最终季了
    讲的是厌倦了地狱无聊日常的魔王Lucifer Mornongstar跑到天使之城 Los Angeles玩儿
    为了跟他爸对着干翅膀掰了不要了 啊!好看

    认识了女主Chloe Decker LAPD
    俩人纠缠了四季还没成呢 捉急啊!
    包括段子用的BGM:Start a Riot - Banners
    Delusion Angel
    Daydream delusion.
    Limousine Eyelash
    Oh, baby with your pretty face
    Drop a tear in my wineglass
    Look at those big eyes
    See what you mean to me
    Sweet cakes and milkshakes
    I am a delusioned angel
    I am a fantasy parade.
    I want you to know what I think.
    Don't want you to guess anymore.
    You have no idea where I came from.
    We have no idea where we're going.
    Launched in life.
    Like branches in the river.
    Flowing downstream.
    Caught in the current.
    I'll carry you. You'll carry me.
    That's how it could be.
    Don't you know me
    Don't you know me by now.
    - David Jewell
    还得感谢Luna路女士的技术支持 毕竟手指头粗 做的东西也比较糙 大家反映干不过BGM的事情也是时有发生的 哈哈哈
    光顾着自己玩自己的 之前请林老师录的好段子都被埋没了
    我要再发一遍 这么好听的声音你们都得听

    1970-01-01   32赞       0踩       1473浏览 评论(16)


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