• kynch.     【夏日】看看花 写写诗

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    这一年写了不少诗 现在回来读去年在魔方上做的两个段子 真的看不下去了🤕 (why did I have to rhyme everything wieodsvb)

    应celia小可爱和em的建议 放了两首诗上来🤗
    (这次的段子比以前简陋了不少 是因为我出去玩 真的没啥视频素材qwq
    (段子里的翻译参考一下就好了 这次翻译真的发现 我中文文笔太差了😭 而且诗本来也很难翻译出原文的意境

    BGM: "Home (When Shadows Fall)" by Paul McCartney

    Hope, In Different Forms

    The sunset is a show
    Whose audience consists of two:
    Each to hold the other
    As the curtain draws, not like
    Traffic lights twinkling
    For the empty street.

    The sunrise is not a show.
    Its sole audience
    Is the speculating girl
    At the motel window,
    Watching the one red spark
    Into the light of day.

    Pretty thoughts:
    1. There is no clean cut line
    Between night and day.
    2. The line is where you

    BGM: "The Next Best American Record" by Lana Del Rey

    The Last of the Lavender Field


    I don’t need the calendar to tell me
    It is the longest day of the year.

    Can’t you see death
    Is the only one for me?

    Look at you tiptoeing
    Like colorlessness is a color

    Worth preserving.
    You select the purplest of my gray

    To make believe
    In a fixed camera frame.

    You and I both know the truth
    Is not pretty. But you

    Shrug it off and say
    The world shall never see.


    Rainy day. Hoped
    Feebly for salvation.

    I say “feebly” meaning “too much”
    That in retrospect

    The hope was feeble.
    You held an umbrella over me

    And called love a fatal thing.
    I thought

    You thought I was pretty.
    You wanted the world to see.

    Then you stored away your camera
    And your stolen pity.

    Whispered to myself in the stairwell
    What will be, will be.


    1970-01-01   52赞       0踩       3065浏览 评论(81)


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